The Black Curriculum Report 2021: Black British History in the National Curriculum
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This report explores how the current History National Curriculum systematically omits the contribution of Black British history in favour of a dominant White, Eurocentric curriculum, one that fails to reflect our multi-ethnic and broadly diverse society. During this particularly factious time within our societal history, there is an integral need for a curriculum that redefines conceptions of ‘Britishness’. This redefined curriculum must align to our values and identities, and be integral towards developing an inclusive classroom that establishes belonging and connectedness in its broadest sense.
To initiate this transition, this report makes a number of recommendations which are required within the education sector regarding the current History National Curriculum. These recommendations require policy, pedagogical and research intervention in attempting to broaden the current curricula available:
Diversify the History National Curriculum
Reconceptualise our understanding of Britishness
Diversify History teaching workforces
Widen the scope of Black History in the curriculum
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