Advancing a Critical Discussion on Black History Education in the UK - Roundtable Edition.

On the 21st May 2024, The Black Curriculum held a roundtable event in the British Parliament to discuss advancing Black history education in the UK, as well as reflecting on our white paper of the governments’ proposed ‘Model History Curriculum’.

The Roundtable was opened by MP Bell Ribeiro Addy, facilitated by our partners at Pillsbury Law Firm and contributed to by all esteemed members of our Working Group.

In April 2023, The Black Curriculum set up a Working Group to help steer the organization’s policy work. This included reviewing the Department for Education's proposals on The Model History Curriculum, creating a public consultation, leading to the findings in the white paper.

Read more here about the Roundtable event by writer Katie D’Souza.

Katie D'Souza is a recent MA Education graduate, whose dissertation titled "Understanding the impact of 'our island story': exploring feelings of identity and belonging for Black British students" is currently under review for publication in the Curriculum Journal. Katie has since worked for a small business called The Educate Group, supports university staff to diversify their curricula and lead more inclusively, and now works at the Office of the Children's Commissioner, helping to ensure that the government listens to the voices of the children and young people living in this country.


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